If you are an unhappy couple and want to seek divorce in Alberta, then you will find divorce law in Alberta too confusing and complicated. Divorce forms are filled with hard-hitting legal language that is meant to be understood by lawyers and judges only. Even if you have a simple, undisputed case of divorce, you may end up paying hefty cost of divorce in Alberta without the help of a legal professional. So, hire a company that can fill up forms for you, submit your applications, and take care of your visits to the court on your behalf.

According to divorce law of Alberta, you will have to fulfill a few conditions first:

1. You can apply for a divorce only if you are living separated from each other for at least 1 year. After this 1 year of separation, you are free to apply for divorce any time.

2. Before you can apply for your divorce, one of the partners must have lived in Alberta for at least 1 year.

3. Both the partners must be ready for the divorce and it should not be a contested one. You will need to hire a professional divorce lawyer if your divorce is a contested case.

4. You must be aware of the whereabouts of your partner at the time of applying for divorce.

5. If there are children in the marriage, both partners must resolve issues on their support and custody between themselves. You would require additional services if there is conflict regarding keeping the children.

6. Additional legal help will be required if you have conflicts regarding spousal support and ownership of family assets as well.

7. You must have an original copy of your government-issued marriage certificate or a certified copy of it. Alberta court does not accept church-issued marriage certificates or those issued by individual persons who performed the wedding.

If you meet all these conditions, you can get a divorce quickly and even save the cost of divorce Alberta. But if there any conflicts, disagreements or complications, a divorce lawyer may be able to help you sort it out in your favor.

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